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  • Kumu

The Power of the Word

Blessings on all of you in this New Year.

Do you know how powerful the word, your word is?  The word is literally the basic template on which creation is built.  How many words do you utter in a day?   How many go unuttered yet are present in your mind?  What percentage of those words are life affirming, unifying and things of beauty? What is the feeling behind these words?  What happens in your body when you think or say these words?

Already in our world we have seen momentous events take place because of words said or revealed to a larger audience.  The agency of transmission of these words to connect the minds around the world are almost instantaneous.  It is a similar phenomenon to tribal mind that was, conscious awareness of what everyone in the group was thinking.  The difference is now the words being disseminated are sometimes being used to manipulate a people or control a narrative for a specific outcome that often benefits very few.  And though this is a conscious goal of some, they themselves are unconscious and so what is put out can be very dangerous.    There are also those who are actively working to educate and teach discernment.  Those who are seeking true knowledge are growing in number. The goal of knowledge and discernment requires patience and consistent effort to get to the essence of things.  Unfortunately, there are many others who are hooked on the adrenaline rush of inflammatory language, the need to feel like they are a part of some special group with access to special information, or better and smarter than others.  They are people who are wounded yet have not begun the work to heal themselves first, before finding fault in others.  

The Kahuna taught me that words have power, that they can bring life or death. Malidoma Some, an African Shaman wrote: “Primal language was the language elders learn as a tool to fulfil their responsibilities and is the language of the Spirit and of creation.  When uttered under certain circumstances it has the power to manifest what is uttered.  Primal language is also dangerous because of the potential to be lethal”.

Primal language could be described as the language that has pure, single minded intent behind it and uttered by someone with the power and authority to speak for others.  Among indigenous society this responsibility was taken very seriously as the life of the people were at stake.  Among the foundational principles upheld by the elders and people alike was the sanctity of Life.  Whether that be of a plant, a tree, an animal, an element or a person.  All things were seen as interconnected so the responsibility of leaders was vast and required people that were experienced and wise. Words were not often used and when they were, it was done so with careful consideration and reflection.

The dangerous precedent in our society of the normalization and acceptance of propaganda as a political tool to achieve an end is having devastating effect on the minds and heart of people everywhere.  The use of media as a means of disseminating quasi-true narratives further muddy the waters.  The fact that people can be bought and paid to say and verify anything about anything is deeply troubling.   Even more so that the majority of people have forgotten the most basic tenant: “By their actions you will know them”.  

People in positions of leadership have an even greater responsibility.  They bear personal responsibility for what they think and say and for what they convey to others.  They are responsible for giving information to the people in their care who base their decisions and actions upon what they hear.  This is because by virtue of the fact they are in a position of power and authority they have been seen as individuals that have access to a high-level information and are entrusted with the responsibility to digest and share this with others for the ultimate good of those they lead.  This should not be just for their business, political, religious or philosophical base, but how it affects everyone and the earth we rely on to live. Even greater wisdom seeks to speak in a way that ultimately has in mind future generations. Using lies, half-truths, innuendo, sarcasm, cynicism has no place in sound leadership.  

Do you know what true leadership looks like?  

What kind of leader are you to yourself?  Your Family?  What do the results of your leadership look like?

Good leadership opens safe places to discuss things without fear or making yourself or another feel less than.

Good leadership leads by example and is conscious of the example they are demonstrating.

Good leadership makes sure all stakeholders have sound information and are respectfully heard.  The desire is to educate and to do so in a way that demonstrates critical (analytical) thinking.

Good leadership works for consensus.

Good leadership fosters an environment of creativity and creative solutions.

Good leadership is able to embrace change.

Good leadership speaks respectfully and acts that way too.

Good leadership puts an emphasis on things that matter rather than material things.

Good leadership has gratitude for and acknowledges all things that make life possible.

Seek to understand how you behave in your interior world and with those you love. Aim to stop trying to get what you seem to be missing inside, by looking outside. Become self-sufficient in your being. Establish full responsibility within yourself for yourself.  Then and only then can you build relationships that are healthy rather than co-dependent.  Then you can work with others in true collaboration.

The way we build relationships is through the word bridges we use to join together with others.  Sound leadership within your own mind means you can use skillfully applied and potent words to bring about collaboration with others.  Relationships based on the principle of respect for the Life principle in all things.  A seeking to maintain equilibrium and balance in your thoughts, word and actions.

Think for a moment how you feel in the presence of something beautiful that you cannot own and did not create. Witnessing the birth of a child, the genuine smile of happiness of a loved one, a sunrise or sunset.  Think of the awe-inspiring beauty of many hands working together to achieve things that are good; an exquisite piece of music or documentary, people coming together to help one another in a catastrophe, saving stranded whales or dolphins, protecting a species or fragile ecosystem.   This kind of beauty, the feeling it inspires is the energy we want to lead with, is what we want to commit our every moment to.  Then our thoughts, words, and actions will reflect that.

May the Beauty you are, that is in fact the Essence of the Life Force within you shine forth.  May you feel the exquisite joy in that, and may all you love witness that in you and be inspired to do the same!

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