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You are the World

Greetings to all who take the time to read this and contemplate what is given here for the upliftment of all beings, intelligences, energies in all time, all space, all dimensions here and now.

Truth is not static. It isn't a dead thing. Truth is an on-going process made possible by genuine inquiry. You cannot inquire if you are stuck in belief. This is because belief will prevent you from looking at anything that is counter to it. If you are tied to the post of beliefs, experience and knowledge are also restrained. To begin to truly understand a situation you must set aside all belief and begin collecting data from multiple and varied sources. You must adopt the Kahu’s viewpoint.

Habitually reacting is based in fixed beliefs and leads to impulsive decision making and this deteriorates the mind. You are unable to be with the present moment as it is. This in turn prevents you from thinking clearly and acting wisely. How do you know if you are doing this? Ask yourself this at any time and especially if you are triggered: In this moment am I present without trying to change, fix or control what is going on? Reactivity always seeks to change, control and fix and when you act out of reactivity consistently, this leads to regret and ultimately shame. This is because you have not truly seen the situation as it is and unknowingly filter what is allowed to be seen. When we react to what is seen and heard without any self-inquiry the reaction comes from a space of fear even if you don’t think that is so. Fear of what we think is going on, fear that our beliefs are being challenged, fear that our identity is being challenged, and fear of change in all its forms. Often people use the word 'empowerment' when talking about their reactions to things. This is co-opting the word to justify reactivity and fear.

We all have vested interests in relationship to people, ideas and things. We protect this self-interest at the expense of everything else we do not value or have a considered relationship with. Most people refuse to move off their mark, or be willing to change their mind. Self-interest has a vested interest in the things that are consciously and unconsciously being protected and guarded and prevents anything from disturbing its construct. However, Life is about exploring ourselves in relationship and nothing exists in isolation. Krishnamurti said it so beautifully: “Even the so-called revolutionary mind is conservative, for once it has gained its revolutionary success, it also resists change and the revolution itself becomes a vested interest.” How then can real change occur?

What is needed is a revolution within one's own mind. What does this look like?

The art, the work for any real fundamental change starts and ends in oneself. In contentious times we see polarization played out with each side vilifying the other one as if we did not all belong to the same human family on the one Earth that is our home and our sustenance. When we make enemies of one another, or refuse talk respectfully and listen deeply we deepen the divide. We tend to choose one side of the polarity over another and forget the middle road! Puri Ota Ota, the place that lives between the polarities. This is the crack between worlds and requires a delicately balanced mind to maintain and slip through to the truly new. My teacher taught that Mind was borne out of the 2nd Law of Creation; the Law of Aloha, when the birth of the two creative forces, Kane and Wahine, came into existence. All creation occurred from this polarity and was passed through the energy field of Aloha. So to resolve the polarization Aloha must be activated. The Masculine and Feminine principle united in order to go behind the polarities into the original emanating field of oneness. The I AM where we ALL MEET.

The outside picture of polarization is the screen that reflects the inner polarization. How tolerant are you? How patient are you? How willing are you to be uncomfortable while questioning the beliefs you hold onto so tightly? How vested is your identity in what you are doing? What if you did nothing? What comes up then?

When you are acting from polarization you tend to see the world in very simplistic terms. This gives you permission to act impulsively in terms of what you deem as bad or good. You then take action based upon how you want to be seen. Without deep reflection, and careful considered questioning you develop a reactive way of being when faced with anything that does not align with what you believe and who you think you are.

A person living in reaction can never solve the problem so who then, can solve this problem?

It is the person who is not reactive in the situation around him or her that IS THE REAL CHALLENGE to any polarized situation. This person is truly breaking with tradition as any action that might arise comes not from reaction but deep insight. This person is someone who understands it is imperative that you first understand yourself, your conditioning that makes you susceptible to the way you like to think, your upbringing, your habits, your preferences, your weaknesses and your strengths, your education, where and what society you were born into and the timeframe in which you are living. They fundamentally understand that the world is YOU. It is not separate from you. They see that how you see things is your own projection borne out of your responses to what is going on inside and outside at any given moment.

True mastery starts with understanding the creation and structure of your own mind. From that understanding you will begin to think differently and act according. Masterful change requires you understand that world is you. The work you do to understand this fundamentally changes how you speak to yourself, about yourself, and how you act toward yourself. If you truly connect with Aloha, you seek to root out all violence in your own nature especially toward yourself. You seek to be compassionate, fair and honest when dealing with your own self-discovery, especially those aspects of self that are negative, destructive, and damaging. The process of seeing that all negative as well as all positive qualities exist within and are not separate from you builds the ability to tame your own unruly mind. You learn to be fair but firm with yourself and the mind and emotions become disciplined and ordered. You develop a wise inner commander that brings peace to your inner world. Then your actions, your words, your thoughts directed outwardly towards others reflect this inner mastery. You will speak about and treat others as you speak about and treat yourself. You are always doing this however with Mastery it is with Intention and Awareness and Aloha rather than reactivity and fear.

When you take care of yourself, you automatically take care of others. Stay joyful, stay humble, stay aware, and pass everything though Aloha.

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