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  • Kumu

The Threshold

Can you feel the change in the air?  You may be able to feel in your body something is occurring; a change, a possibility.  It can feel like a flutter in your belly, similar to but not anxiousness, not anticipation, something in between.   Our world seems to be shifting yet change is not quite here.  All the same, the feeling is something big is taking place.   This year has moved us into uncharted territories.  It has challenged the strongest of us.  It has brought some of us to our knees.  People from all walks of life and backgrounds have struggled to make sense of what is going on and what it means.  Billions of people have put forward billions of opinions and theories.  Some have used these theories to pull together people with the intention to profit off the confusion.  Some have used theories to pull together people with the intention of waking people up to the reality of what they see is going on only to find that their efforts are fuelling greater division.  Some want only to party and watch it all burn to the ground.

Here in mid-November we are poised on a turning point. The past way of being has been confirmed through the present circumstances as not working for the majority of us and the future is calling. For all intents and purposes, we are in the liminal time.  

The noun limen refers to the point at which a physiological or psychological effect begins to be produced and as an adjective, liminal describes things associated with that point or threshold.  The year 2020 can be seen then as the liminal time in the greater transformation of consciousness that is occurring in our world, solar system, galaxy and universe.  We can see that this year in particular was an exercise in becoming aware of this in our bodies and our minds as we lived through extraordinary circumstances.  For most, the reality of “going back to normal” is  being felt as not possible but the way forward is not clear.  There are those imaging possible futures, but nothing that has garnered a following that would create enough of a mass awareness to bring it into being.  Liminal.  We know we cannot go backward and though we feel the future calling, we cannot see what that looks like enough to create it. Astrological alignments this year have been especially potent and all pointed to the shakeup of the status quo, uncovering that which was hidden, the breakdown of power and control structures, and massive change in perception.  These alignments culminate with big events happening on or around December 21, the Solstice.  After that, clarity around future movements begins to come in focus.

So what can we do now?  What is required of us while we wait out this time?  Is there any unified vision we can hold while the creative direction for the future takes place? The protocols and prophecy my Kahuna teacher shared with those of us lucky enough to spend time with him was preparing us for these times.   Shortly before he left this world in 2004 he talked about the great changes beginning and growing over the next foreseeable decades as “The Time of the Grandmothers”.  Though I was not there for the transmission, I meditated on what it could possibly have meant as the years went by.  He didn’t say “women” he specifically said “Grandmothers”.  In an ideal sense the grandmother is the matriarch, she holds the family together.  She is the heart and hearth. She feeds the family and community, and she shares wisdom and perspective she has accumulated by virtue of having lived to an advanced age.

The Hawaiian Tutu were the living embodiment of lokahi a Hawaiian word that means among other things Unity and Harmony.  A grandmother’s perspective is one of preserving the integrity of the family as a way of ensuring healthy, happy and whole people that will in turn give birth to the next generation.  Their intent was to make sure that whatever they did ensured the happiness and health of the next SEVEN generations.  They were keepers of the long count, keepers of the spirals of time.  They taught through their Aloha and example that cooperation must happen no matter what.  Everybody had to get together to make things happen.  

Lokahi for us can be the overriding intent in our thoughts, then the words that come out of our mouths, then the actions we perform based upon those thoughts.  Imaging what can be created if everyone of us dedicated our lives to this principle!  When we live with Lokahi in mind we change our magnetic frequency to the positive polarity.  This is naturally attractive and invites others into this field of wellbeing.  When people feel good, they relax and this opens the possibility for them to listen to other ideas and other perspectives.  It invites dialog rather than preaching, bullying, coercing or demeaning interactions.  The practice of lokahi increases mana meaning the more you embed the practice in your life the more you are empowered.  This is not power over but personal power from a direct link to Cosmic Intelligence that flows unimpeded through you.  You emanate a powerful field of unity.

The gift of mana belongs to all of us.  You generate mana through prayer, deep breathing and meditation.  Meditation means developing 1-pointed focus.  What blocks mana is lack of focus.  Lokahi can be the unifying principle that unites your practice and increases your personal mana.

A very simple practice in this time can be the following:

• Set a time and place where you will practice daily.  The goal is to do this morning and night – but once a day is all right!  You will notice after you do this a couple of times, just sitting down in your dedicated space, you will drop in and things will begin to flow.

• The environment must be familiar, secure and comfortable with no distractions.

• Start with an opening prayer of gratitude.

• Now state your intention.  This can be to understand a problem, gain perspective or simply to be open to be guided to a more radiant way of living.

• Now introduce deep breathing.  This part is essential.  If you have a breathing practice or technique you can practice it here.  Or you can breathe in to the count of four and then exhale (like blowing through a straw) to the count of eight. Do this several times.  This engages the vagus nerve and helps eliminate thoughts and calms the nervous system.

• This is the part where you focus on light.  I see an eye with a glowing iris.  Others may see a point of light or swirling colours.  Allow yourself you be fully absorbed in and by the light.  You may feel like you are traveling in time and space.

• Always keep yourself focused.  Keep your mind centered within your intention and this becomes the grounding factor that allows you to access other states of being without losing your connection to your physical being and your reason for being here.

• Finish your practice with gratitude for the time spent and gifts received or on their way!  Leave the space with your intention on Lokahi – that all your thoughts, words and actions be for the purpose of unity.

May this be useful to you in this liminal time…

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