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  • Kumu

The Initiate's Mindset

Initiation was the goal of all the mystical schools of the past. The expertise in how to achieve this was held by a group of individuals who had attained realization of Truth and union with Source and then dedicated their lives to pass on this opportunity to others. The ancients who had attained this mastery were among the survivors of an advanced civilisation who set out to repopulate the globe after the last cataclysm about 12,500 years ago. The initiatory stream was about preserving ancient knowledge. This included practical skills like astronomy, navigation, science, technological skills, writing and language skills. The initiates were identified by those with a particular mastery as the ones with the qualities to be the teachers. The goal of raising a person to the level of initiation was to keep the higher knowledge available so mankind wouldn’t go into utter darkness. The European initiatory stream that came out of Egypt, Hawaii, India, North and South America was preserved in the tradition of the mystery schools so people could access the information. With the rise of Christianity as a political and ecclesiastical power they went underground in order to not be persecuted. Now the secret societies are being vilified, but the original mystery schools and associated societies preserved a lot of that knowledge.

Pre-dynastic Egypt was one such centre for this. The Giza Plateau was a meticulously planned project that developed over a vast period of time. Many of the pyramids were made to generate sound (and colour) for healing. The Great Pyramid wasn’t a tomb – it was a place of initiation. An initiate first experienced the Way Down by actually entering the pyramid from the midpoint and then going down to the subterranean levels, going into the darkness, conquering fear and the unknown in order to be reborn into the light. Then they progressed through chambers dedicated to trials by earth, water, fire and air as they moved through the Way Up to arrive in the “King’s Chamber” where they experienced dying before they died, and utter transformation. What does that mean? The Great Pyramid was the place where “Men” (beings who identified with their ego) were transformed into Gods (beings that were consciously expressing as Cosmic Intelligence). This was the liberation from identification with the small sense of self to the greater Self that expresses fully as Cosmic Intelligence. That filter called Ego thinks it is everything but is really just a small perspective. When Ego is filtered through Cosmic Intelligence it is to be a God on earth. The Way Up and the Way Down were later codified into teachings and practices that were taught in the Mystery Schools that developed in Europe in the Medieval era.

Any initiatory path is the path of speeding up our conscious development. It speeds up the lessons we need to learn as well as the results from conscious practice. Therefore those who set out on the path of initiation can experience tremendous loss (to the Ego) and the greatest achievements of human potential that result from the acceptance and integration of those losses.

The path of the initiate has also been called the path of “The Fool.” The fool was considered a fool because they were prepared to show things others kept hidden. The way of the fool is the one who’s willing to see and to speak uncomfortable truths that stand for the sanctity of LIFE. They were the people who committed to the path of realization as it appeared before them. They understood that when they were ready, the teacher or teaching they required for the next expansion of consciousness would appear, therefore they moved lightly through life knowing all would be provided.

According to the Kali Yugas, this is the hardest, darkest age (there are four) but the gift of this time is whatever effort you put into any kind of practice the results will be quick. In the Iron Age, we are being forged into higher metal (Gold) so things that are of true benefit can progress fast. Pick something that is of benefit to you. Any consistent practice now will create tremendous outcomes in days, hours and minutes rather than lifetimes in other ages.

It is the nature of things in this world to rise and fall. Right now we are experiencing change occurring at tremendous speed. We see these changes on a personal, familial, societal, political, religious, planetary, and galactic scale. It is known as “Death Genesis” collectively. Do you think climate change is only taking place on planet earth? It is occurring on all the planets in our solar system as well. It is cosmic realignment, cosmic change and we as a species are also being asked to realign how we think, how we do things, what we do, and why we do it. When that change/transformation happens we are sitting at 4th chakra level of initiation – the Awakened Heart.

The mindset of the Initiate is to commit 100% to the path. Commitment to them means; where I am right now, it doesn’t matter, I commit wholeheartedly to awaken in this lifetime. I will find the path. He or she does not stop to wait for the right time, right place, the right environment, right class, right teacher and in doing so he or she finds that Cosmic Intelligence conspires to help them in every way possible. That’s the saving grace that balances the arduous nature of the path. He or she develops a mighty heart as a result.

The Initiate is Self-Autonomous. They seek to learn from all of life in order to develop discernment and to think for themselves. THEY LET GO OF THE IDEA THEY ARE ENTITLED TO ANYTHING. Are you interested in beginning this process? Take your power back by turning your phone off for 24 hours once a week and feel what happens. Give yourself a day to do nothing but listen for Cosmic Intelligence (that quiet, steady voice) to inspire you. Cultivating being at peace with the silence. It’s liberating/empowering and the beginning of the way of reclaiming your sovereignty and autonomy. We are being more and more enslaved through the use of technology. We don’t need much. We’re being sold so much as important. By putting your phone down you will develop the space and perspective to see to what degree it rules you. You then can take steps to take command over how YOU want to use this tool. Your attention is precious. The power behind these phones wants your attention. The Initiate knows that your attention and what it’s on is the measure of your life. How much does the realm of possibility imbue your experience? How much of your life is spent in wonder? How expansive is your life? Your reality is where you put your attention. Any form of practice; mantra, prayer, body awareness, is about changing the quality of your attention.

For 2020, I suggest times of reflection, phones off, contemplate what you see both within yourself and in the greater context. Look at how your experience of reality is intimately connected to what you’re thinking.

Take care of the divine temple that is you.

The initiate's mindset is one that thinks and moves with Divine Morality. This means being so attuned to what’s happening that you know how to act, it’s a sense of being Pono - being good in oneself. Your action is congruent with the basic human dignity and sanctity of life.

Your life is a work of art. Initiation is about recognising the absolute beauty of that work of art.

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