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  • Kumu

Cosmic Alignment - Cosmic Intelligence

I can feel within my bones; the movements of the celestial bodies as they make their royal progress to an appointed place in time, and so can you whether you are aware of it or not. It is like a tidal shift in the waters of your body, and the fluctuations of your mind.

Today as I sit here it is Friday NZST. The Moon glides into Cancer for the completion of her fullness tonight and tomorrow. Then she is partially eclipsed. While we don't see it here, in esoteric understanding the effects are worldwide. A part of our deep subconscious is eclipsed. Do you feel the onset of heightened focus? Deeper insights? A particular clarity emerging? The heaviness and fogginess that has been so pervasive and growing since 2012 are now being stirred up and the opportunity is through recognizing this inner illumination of the darkness, that we dispel the illusory film that has been our experience in our conscious mind. What a relief to see clearly what is going on. To have the inner navigator pointing the way, to the people, the places, the experiences we need now to finally move away from all that no longer serves. Personally and collectively. The feminine energy of insight and intuition being freed from the old power and control beliefs and agreements in all humans give rise to new humanity where we see both polarities in all humans and address the imbalance in expression that has been going on. We get to see the results of egotistical entitlement on the world stage and then look for where it lives in us. When we identify that we can choose differently and thereby help the collective.

When our vision stabilizes and is equal in the left and right brain, the intuition and the thinking mind, the male aspect of self and the female aspect of self, the subconscious and the conscious, we are then ready for the next great Cosmic movement of Uranus turning Direct of the Fullness. Unexpected shocking insight or events ensure that we break the chains that have kept us playing safe and in our comfort zones. We can now give voice to that which is essential; the sanctity of all life. To act and speak in ways that move us once and for all from a competitive mode of existence to a cooperative one.

Then something truly awesome begins the following day; an array of planetary alignments that is so vast in its scope to be truly awe-inspiring. We are being given a choice here to purge, and in situations that are beyond conscious control, to learn new ways to manage our reactions. Death and rebirth are hallmarks of a thing called Transformation. It is an organic process and one that the ego is not very comfortable with. That is why keeping your focus on the highest of energies, qualities and expressions is so important. Those things that change the frequency in your neural circuitry are essential. Prayer, mantra and meditation with the focus on that which includes all. Call this energy God, The Living Spirit, The Force, Cosmic Intelligence, all names for something that includes us all and everything. Aligning with this takes us out of the apparent play of opposites and gives us the balance we need to meet the ongoing changes with honesty, integrity and grace.


You can soar through this time and be an agent for real change. We need you. The world needs you to remember that what people see is only the focal point of the vastness you are. RELEASE, REMEMBER, REBIRTH!

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